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Phalogenics - what feelings do they feel?

What do they really want, what feelings do they feel? Borovikov says that he often thinks about the psychology of patients: - All of them are very strong in spirit, go to the most difficult operations, agree to put up with all the costs.  Man squeezes everything out of that ridiculous creation with which I am trying to replace God's plan. These people get something hanging from the lower surface of the pubis, and are absolutely satisfied. That's where such a variety of methods come from.  One of my colleagues transplanted a piece of the latissimus dorsi with a nerve into the perineum and splices this nerve with the shameful nerve. When a patient brings a thigh - the same nerve that carries this order, turns the "penis" from a saggy tube into a ball - how is penetration possible?  But people are happy. They are satisfied not at all with what we imagine under the penis; they find it to be used. - Do patients understand what complications come from all these inter

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